
Azura Sakan Taufik
2 min readFeb 1, 2019
Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Earlier last month I finally subscribed to become a full time Medium reader. Horray! Now I’m able to read as much as self-help articles that I need. For the past month I’ve just been binge-reading every article I found interesting any time that I had. During lectures, commuting, running, meal prepping… And I thought wow. How does everyone here write such good stories? And it led me to think about myself. I used to be a pretty decent writer… in junior high. I used to journal and blog… in high school. Now that I’m in university, what do I write? Codes.

Now now, I’m not saying nor blaming that taking computer science major kills my creative writing abilities, in fact these courses often push me to imagine and create things I never thought I could do. However, I do miss writing for the sake of writing itself.

I often feel like I’m trapped in my own little bubble of thoughts, and writing used to be one of the way for me to let it all out. No, I’m not the most organized writer. I like to sum up and minimise all my thoughts in bullet points. Keeps them in the most organized way in my opinion otherwise I’ll lose my train of thoughts like probably what I’m doing now. Now that I’ve come to think of it, bullet points can’t really capture the essence of your thought clearely and precisely at that particular moment. Why should you put limits to your own voice?

I want my voice to be out there. And I do not want to be afraid of it.

Anyway, my point is I just want to at least try writing again, I don’t exactly know what I will write just yet, but I need to at least give myself a shot. Even though I’m doing this for myself, I hope to also help anyone who may benefit from the stuffs I will share.

I’ll catch you next time. Adios!

